    摘要“互联网+”背景下,伴随着新技术的突破和新商业模式的不断完善,电子商务对专业市场的影响也从最初的交易方式扩展到市场交易机制的各个部分,专业市场面临着转型升级的巨大压力。 在这一背景下,依据新时期经济发展的要求和社会形势的变化,利用电子商务的技术创新优势,推进浙江省专业市场电子商务模式的创新,打造更具竞争力优势的新型专业市场是传统专业市场转型升级的必由之路。因而,传统专业市场创新发展的方向应该是以网上市场为核心交易方式,以实体市场为辅助交易方式的新型专业市场。本文以战略管理的理论框架作为依据,深入分析浙江省专业市场发展趋势以及具备的发展环境因子,以浙江省“义乌小商品城”这个典型专业市场电商转型的案例作为研究对象,综合性地提出浙江省传统专业市场转型升级的具体策略。48335
    ABSTRACT:"Internet +" context, with the breakthrough of new technologies and constant improvement of new business models,The impact of electronic commerce on the professional market has expanded from the initial transactions to various parts of the market trading mechanism,Upgrade the professional market is facing tremendous pressure.In this context, according to the requirements of change and social situation of the new era of economic development, innovation and use of technology advantages of e-commerce, e-business models to promote innovation and the professional market in Zhejiang Province, to build a more competitive advantage of the new market is a traditional specialty the only way to upgrade the professional market.Thus, the traditional professional market direction should be based on innovation and development of the online trading market as the core, to the new entity for the professional market secondary market trading pattern.In this paper, the theoretical framework of strategic management as a basis for in-depth analysis of the professional market trends and forces in Zhejiang Province have developed environmental factors, and to learn and summarize Zhejiang Province, "Yiwu Small Commodity City" is typical of the professional market transformation successful exploration and failures, the province put forward a comprehensive transformation and upgrading of traditional professional market policy advice.
    Keyword: Internet +; E-commerce; Professional market; Upgrade
    1 前言    4
    1.1 研究背景    4
    1.2 研究意义    4
    1.2.1 理论意义    4
    1.2.2 实践意义    4
    1.3 实施路径和方法    5
    1.3.1 实施路径    5
    1.3.2 研究方法    5
    2 文献综述    6
    2.1 专业市场及其转型内涵研究    6
    2.2 专业市场与电子商务联动发展研究    6
    2.3 专业市场发展前景研究    7
    2.4 文献评述    7
    3 浙江省专业市场电子商务转型现状    8
    3.1 浙江省专业市场电子商务转型概述    8
    3.2 发展环境分析    9
    3.2.1 优势和劣势环境分析    9
    3.2.2 机遇和挑战因素分析    10
    3.3 未来发展趋势    11
    4 浙江省专业市场电子商务转型——基于战略管理理论分析    13
    4.1 战略管理的定义    13
    4.2 专业市场转型与战略管理理论    13
    4.3 专业市场转型与战略管理控制过程    13
    5 专业市场电子商务转型案例透析——义乌小商品城    14
  1. 上一篇:新疆电子商务发展研究问题及对策
  2. 下一篇:跨境电商背景下外贸出口企业转型发展研究
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