    跨境电商背景下外贸出口企业转型发展研究摘要中国是经济大国,其中外贸对经济发展起着非常重要的拉动作用。但是近几年外贸企业面临内忧外患:国内生产成本不断上升,人民币汇率不稳定,世界经济复苏缓慢,发达国家的资金、技术向越南和印度等地转移。这一系列因素都导致了需求不断下降,依靠低价代工策略出口的路径已走到尽头。反观跨境电商近几年由于网络服务基础设施的普及和互联网渗透率急剧上升,保持高速增长,年均增速达到30% 以上。因此部分外贸出口企业开始寻求转型之路,利用跨境电商销售模式扩展国外市场,但是转型之路并非一帆风顺,因而研究跨境电商背景下外贸出口企业的转型发展意义重大。48348
    Abstract::China is an economic giant, and foreign trade is a stimulus to the economic development. But recent years, foreign trade are facing internal and external problems: production cost in domestic is rising constantly, the exchange rate of RMB remains unstable, while the world economics are at the slow anabiosis stage and developed countries’ capital and technology are transferring to Vietnam and India. These series of factors have led to falling demand and the way export relies on the low-value contact has come to an end. But reflect on the cross-border e-commerce, it maintains high-speed growth with a 30% growth because of the popularity of web service infrastructure and the sharply rising of the Internet penetration rate. Therefore some foreign trade enterprises start to search for the transformation road, using the cross-border e-commerce sales model to expand overseas market. But the transformation road is not that smooth. Therefore the study of the traditional foreign trade’s transformation and development in the context of cross-border e-commerce has an important significance to the government and traditional foreign trade enterprises.
    Staring with literature review, this thesis analyzes the research situation and the related the theory of the traditional foreign trade transformation; then reveal the necessity of the traditional foreign trade transforms to the cross-border e-commerce according to the developing status of the traditional foreign trade and the cross-border e-commerce. And then, put forward effective proposals aiming at the problem given by the SWOT analysis. Finally, take HongKong Egomall Technology for example, verify the feasibility of the proposals.
    毕业论文关键词:外贸出口企业; 跨境电商; 转型; 网易盛世科技
    Keyword: Export-oriented Enterprise; cross-border e-commerce; transformation;HongKong Egomall Technology
    目    录
    1. 引言    4
    1.1 研究背景及意义    4
    1.2 研究内容    5
    2. 文献综述    5
    2.1 国内外关于外贸企业转型的研究    5
    2.2 国内外关于跨境电商的研究    5
    3.传统外贸发展现状    6
    3.1 面临“内忧外患”,仍有一线生机    6
    3.2 发展前景堪忧    7
    4.跨境电商发展现状    7
    4.1 交易模式多样化    7
    4.2 目标市场集中    8
    4.3 产品和地区分布集中    8
    4.4 跨境电商发展潜力巨大    9
    4.5 小结    9
    5. 传统外贸转型跨境电商的SWOT分析及应对措施    10
    5.1 传统外贸转型跨境电商的SWOT分析    10
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