

     Abstract: ZheJiang Province,As one of the coastal provinces,occupies a very important position in the foreign trade of our nation.The structure and Competitiveness are two important points of export,The two are closely related,and Reflects a region located in the world trade position and achievements of the development of foreign trade.A region of strong export competitiveness usually has reasonable export structure.Since the reform and opening of our nation,China's import and export trade has developed rapidly,Zhejiang Province, as a major economic province and export province in China, has made an important contribution to the development of China's foreign trade export.This thesis will study the foreign trade of Zhejiang Province,and make an empirical analysis to The export structure and Competitiveness of Zhejiang Province,To further reveal the development of structural changes in Zhejiang province foreign trade export and competitiveness,besides,i will try To find out the existing problems in the export of Zhejiang Province and put forward some Suggestions.

    毕业论文关键词:外贸出口; 结构优化; 出口竞争力

    Keyword: export; optimum structure; export competitiveness

    目  录

    1、引言 4

    1.1 研究的背景 4

    1.2 研究的内容和方法 4

    1.3 本文可能的创新点 5

    2、文献综述 5

    2.1 出口结构及出口竞争力的有关概念 5

    2.1.1出口结构的概念 6

    2.1.2 出口竞争力的概念 6

    2.2 出口结构优化的概念 6

    2.2.1出口结构优化的定义 6

    2.2.2影响出口结构的存在因素 6

    2.3 国内外学者对出口结构的研究状况 7

    2.4国内外学者对出口竞争力的研究状况 8

    3、 浙江省出口结构与竞争力状况的分析 9

    3.1 浙江省出口商品结构的总体状况 9

    3.2 浙江省纺织服装产品的出口结构与竞争力状况 13

    3.3 浙江省机电产品的出口状况 15

    3.4 浙江省高新技术产品的出口状况 17

    3.5 浙江省其他主要产品出口状况 18

    3.5.1 浙江省农副产品出口状况 18

    3.5.2 浙江省船舶产业相关产品的、家具及其相关产品的出口状况

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