


    Abstract:With the continuous development of trade liberalization and deepen,Some social problems such as environmental and Labour standards gradually aroused people's concern。More and more problems related to the trade mentioned bill on the WTO。The labor standard problems become the focus of discussion,and there is a lot of controversy。Developed countries is generally believed that developing countries take advantage of low competitive advantage gained by the Labour standards caused a kind of social dumping,but Low labor standards in developing countries think is associated with low productivity。Developed countries set up international standard actually is a kind of recessive trade barriers。So, for such a manufacturing power in our country,How to improve Labour standards and international competitiveness。In this article, through nearly 20 years of trade data, the empirical study of Labour standards to improve its influence on China's manufacturing export competitiveness。

    This paper analyses the origin of international labor standards first,Secondly expounds the present situation of the Labour standards and the present situation of manufacturing export competitiveness。The main part of the paper is the improvement of Labour standards an empirical analysis of the impact on China's manufacturing export competitiveness。By establishing a statistical model, it is concluded that to improve Labour standards is conducive to China's manufacturing industry products are exported to the international competitiveness。Then,according to the specific conditions in our country, puts forward the countermeasures and Suggestions to cope with the international labor standards。

    毕业论文关键词:劳工标准; 制造业; 出口竞争力; 职工工资

    Keyword: Labor standard; manufacturing; Export competitiveness; wage

    目    录


    1引言 4

    1.1研究背景及意义 4

    1.2国内外研究综述 4

    1.3本文的研究方法 5

    1.4本文的创新及不足 6

    2国际劳工标准概述 6

    2.1国际劳工标准的有关概念 6

    2.1.1国际劳工标准 6

    2.1.2核心劳工标准 6

    2.1.3社会条款 7

    2.2国际劳工标准的由来及演变 7

    3我国劳工标准的现状 7


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