

    毕业论文关键词:高中数学  APP  开发

    "High School Mathematics" APP Development and Design Report


    With the popularity of mobile devices and the rapid development of network technology, the system platform also ushered in a new opportunity. Mobile Internet has become a part of people's life. In reading, movies, shopping, social and other aspects, mobile APP fully in-depth and enrich people's lives, to persify its development. Education, as one of the important areas of people's concern, is naturally beginning to merge with mobile devices. All kinds of education APP came into being. The author combines mathematics with APP, so as to achieve the purpose of students' learning and improving students' learning effect. This report will have a detailed description of the research background, design concept, functional analysis of the APP, and a presentation of the final product.

    Key Words: high school mathematics  APP  development 

    目  录

    摘要.... .Ⅰ



    1 绪论 1

    1.1研究意义 1

    1.2研究现状 2

    1.3 app功能概述以及展望 2

    2 实现基础 2

    2.1开发工具 2

    2.2工具介绍 2

    2.2.1Eclipse 2

    2.2.2My Eclipse 2

    2.2.3Tomcat 3

    2.2.4Navicat for MySQL数据库管理系统 3

    3 需求分析 3

    3.1需求分析的基本任务 3

    3.1.1功能需求 3

    3.1.2可靠性和可用性需求 4

    3.2需求分析的基本特点 4

    3.2.1供需交流困难 4

    3.2.2后续完善复杂 4

    4 设计结构 4

    4.1体系结构 4

    4.2数据库逻辑结构设计 6

    5 部分功能代码 7

    5.1 客户端 7

    5.2后台 15

    6 产品界面 18

    6.1注册界面 18

    6.2登录界面 19

    6.3视频界面 19

    6.3.1视频总界面 19

    6.3.2视频分界面 20

    6.4资料界面 20

    6.4.1资料总界面 20


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