     关键词: 鹿特丹规则;海商法
    Impact of "Rotterdam rules" on China's import and export trade
    Abstract: the "Rotterdam rules" Convention indicates that the adjustment of international legislation of international carriage of goods by sea will end the era of Hague rules "open a new era of Rotterdam rules". China as a trading power, "the Rotterdam rules" will have important effects on the. In this thesis, Chinese perspective, the first is the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of "Rotterdam rules" from the perspective of legislation and Revelation of the "maritime law", and then focuses on the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the merchant of Rotterdam "rules" for China and transport enterprises. Relates to the interests of both sides of the terms, such as the carrier, the shipper's obligation, responsibility and liability of maritime performing party, the documentary shipper, FOB seller, delivery without original bill of lading, control rights, provisions on both sides of the assessment of the effect of. The analysis of "Rotterdam rules" have any reference to "maritime law".
    Key Words:Rotterdam rules; maritime law;
    绪 论    1
    一、《鹿特丹规则》概述    2
        (一)《鹿特丹规则》的相关概念    2
        (二)《鹿特丹规则》产生的动因    2
        (三)《鹿特丹规则》的生效条件    3
        (四)我国对于《鹿特丹规定》态度    3
    二、《鹿特丹规则》的优点    4
       (一)《鹿特丹规则》相比《海商法》在立法上的优点    4
          1.《鹿特丹规则》相比《海商法》扩大了适用范围    4
          2.《鹿特丹规则》相比《海商法》增加了与贸易法律的衔接    5
       (二)《鹿特丹规则》对我国货方的有利影响    6
          1.增加了托运人的规定,使之权利得到保障    6
          2.《鹿特丹规则》引进了“单证托运人”的概念    6
          3.扩大了承运人的责任范围    7
          4. 建立了货物控制权的法律制度    8
       (三)《鹿特丹规则》对我国运输企业的的有利影响    8
          1. 对运输企业明确归类    8
          2. 扩大了承运人的适航义务促进运输企业的成长    9
          3.契约自由原则的引入褪去承运人部分义务的强制性    9
    三、《鹿特丹规则》的缺点    11
       (一)《鹿特丹规则》相比《海商法》较繁琐    11
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