




    Abstract The exhibition industry is an important part of modern service industry, is also connected to the production and consumption of the bridge and the link, can not only promote the supply and demand docking, expedite circulation channels, to regional economic development and industry also has a strong pull effect.

    With China's rapid economic development, China's exhibition industry has become a new energy to promote the growth of social economy, all kinds of exhibition gathers people flow, information flow, logistics, capital, technology, effectively stimulating catering, accommodation, transportation, retail, tourism, and many other service sector growth, in the transformation of the mode of economic development, optimizing industrial structure, building upgrade edition plays a positive role in Chinese economy.

    China's exhibition industry has maintained a good momentum of development.Industry scale, economic benefit is improved obviously;Further improve the specialization, internationalization and marketization degree;Organization construction of standard system, industry breakthrough;Convention and exhibition facilities construction speed, large-scale trend is more obvious;Exhibition employment continued to rise, the exhibition industry to enhance the leading role on the economy.

    With the continuous development of the global exhibition industry and exhibition industry on the regional economic leading role increasingly obvious.Along with our country economic growth phase shift and structural adjustment of the stimulus digestion phase and the throes superposition, and the development of China's exhibition industry face a complicated situation.At the same time, along with the real estate regulation, promoting domestic consumption, free trade area construction, the new technology rapid development and a series of changing external conditions, the host, venue of exhibition industry, service industry chain of each link are also facing reshuffle.

    Key Words: Exhibition venues, The service goal, The operation and management, The national convention center, SNIEC


    一、绪论 1

    (一)论文研究背景 1

    (二)论文研究目的和意义 1

      1、论文目的 1


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