

    毕业论文关键词:跨境电商 贸易增长模式 

    International Trade New Method: the latest development of cross-border electricity business research

    Abstract: With the development of economic globalization and the Internet electronic technology advances, this new type of cross-border e-commerce development of international trade patterns have emerged in the traditional patterns of international trade waning moment, the emergence and development of this new business model will It will bring a new round of trade restructuring wave. Specific to the development of cross-border electricity supplier, and due to the development of shorter length is still in its infancy immature, but from the current development trend of view, the cross-border electricity supplier development in China released a huge potential as an international trade new ways, although the sudden emergence of cross-border electricity supplier to promote the transformation and development of international trade, but the impact of the traditional trade is still not be underestimated, the development of cross-border e-commerce faced by consumers do not trust, and language service system is imperfect, geographical factors and other issues, understand the consumer trust online shoppers and those who pay the best combination of business models; familiar with the language and cultural environment, integration of resources chain; known through customs, commodity inspection, insurance, logistics, financial settlement process, promote cross-border electricity supplier interdisciplinary cooperation across business links, which are urgent problems to be solved

    Key words: cross-border electricity supplier trade growth mode


    引言 5

    1.跨境电商的概念及其发展的环境背景分析 6

    1.1什么是跨境电商 6

    1.2我国跨境电商发展的政策环境分析 6

    1.2.1不同模式下的海关监管方式 6

    1.2.2我国近年来跨境电商的发展政策 7

    1.3 我国跨境电商发展的投资环境分析 7

    1.4 我国跨境电商发展的宏观经济环境分析 9

    2我国跨境电商的最新发展研究 10

    2.1我国跨境电商行业规模及现状分析 10

    2.1.1跨境电商服务平台类型 10

    2.1.2我国跨境电商市场规模 11

    2.1.3 我国跨境电商市场发展现状 11


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