


    Abstract There have been an appearance of irrational prices expansion in China's real estate market, which could not develop healthily and sustainably only rely on the market force. In order to fight speculation and excessive investment, known as the "the most severe housing market adjust and control policy"-property-purchasing limitation has come into being. By analyzing the influences of property-purchasing limitation on shanghai real estate market, this paper has pointed out property-purchasing limitation's essential necessity on controlling house prices and restraining speculative investment of real estate market., but there are also some problems, such as part of the improvement type of housing demand is limited, there is no change current accommodative monetary environment, does not solve the problem of shortage of Shanghai residential market, bringing a "fake porce" society phenomena. Thus put forward specific recommendations: the purchase of a reasonable time and delineate the scope of the problem solving Shanghai residential monetary policy proposals to address the problem of Shanghai housing demand and supply, accelerate the upgrading of the proportion of affordable housing, establish a sound, rational, scientific personal and family housing information system, establish and improve the real estate tax control system, to build a sound legal system, housing, maintaining the rights of citizens live.

    Keyword: Property-Purchasing Limitations;  shanghai Real estate market; Improvement measures

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1选题的背景及意义 1

    1.2 论文研究综述 2

    1.3本文的研究内容及思路 3

    第二章 限购令的颁布 5

    2.1“限购令”出台的背景 5

    2.2“限购令”出台的原因 5

    2.3“限购令”的内容与目的 6

    第三章 “限购令”对房地产市场的影响 9

    3.1  实施“限购令”对房地产市场的影响 9

    3.1.1 实施“限购令”对房地产市场的成效 9

    3.1.2 限购城市实施限购前后成交量的变化 11

    3.1.3 限购城市实施限购前后房价的变化 14

    3.2 “限购令”带来的影响 15

    第四章 “限购令”对上海市房地产市场的影响

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