
    摘要:特别提款权是国际货币基金组织在 1969 年为解决国际流动性不足及国际货币体系的不对称性而创设的。上世纪 60 年代到 70 年代,国际货币体系发生了三次美元危机,这三次危机使得以美元为核心的布雷顿森林体系最终走向了崩溃,因此特别提款权一诞生就注定和国际贸易体系改革联系在一起。该研究旨在通过研究特别提款权制度的加入,国际贸易中的交易过程存在着巨大的影响,本文从特别提款权的角度阐述对我国贸易的影响。本文的结构安排如下:第一部分是导论部分,介绍本文的研究背景、研究现状以及文章结构;第二部分介绍国际货币体系发展历史,着重分析现行国际货币体系的缺陷,并提出解决的方向——超主权货币,引出本文的关键论题特别提款权;第三部特别提款制度对我国国际贸易的影响;第四部分完善特别提款制度对我国国际贸易的影响对策分析;第五部分结论。57192


    RMB add special drawing right on the analysis of the influence of Chinese international trade  

     Abstract: the SDR is the IMF in 1969 to solve the asymmetry of international liquidity shortage and the international monetary system and the creation of. In the 1960s and 1970s, international monetary system has undergone three dollar crisis, make this three times of crisis in dollars as the core of the Bretton Woods system and ultimately to the collapse, so special drawing rights a birth of the doomed and international trade system reform contact together. The purpose of this study is to study the influence of the exchange process in the international trade by studying the addition of the special drawing right system. This paper is structured as follows: the first part is introduction, introduces the research background, research status and the structure of this paper; the second part introduces the development history of the international monetary system, emphatically analyzes the defects of the current international monetary system, and put forward the direction of super sovereign currency, this leads to the key issues of SDRs; production and development the third part introduces the SDR, analyzed its feasibility as a reserve currency and insufficient; the fourth part of the analysis of the development of the advantages of SDR substitution account; the fifth part will analyze the way to reform the international monetary system by SDR; the last part will participate in the international monetary system reform in our country in the future, proposed in the SDR basket.  

     Keywords: RMB; SDR; international trade; influence  

     目 录

    一、导论 1

    (一) 研究背景 1

    (二) 研究意义与目的 1

    (三) 文献综述 2

    二、特别提款权及我国贸易制度概述 7

    (一) 特别提款权 7

    1、 特别提款权的创设背景 7

    2、 特别提款权的性质与功能 7

    3、 特别提款权的分配 8

    (二) 我国贸易制度 8

    1、 中国出口贸易的特征与变化情况 8

    2、 中国出口贸易总量扩张 9

    3、 进出口商品结构不断优化 10

    4、 进出口市场不断扩展 10


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