


    毕业论文关键词  人民币  离岸市场  货币国际化   路径选择

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title      THE RESEARCH OF OFFSHORE RMB           

           MARKET DEVELOPMENT PATH             


    In recent years, as China's economy continues to develop, more and more non-resident holding Renminbi. Seting up a offshore financial markets and through the commercial banking market making Renminbi to become an international settlement, pricing , international investment and international lending functions of an international currency is very important for China,that China is still in place of capital controls and Renminbi is in gradual internationnalization . Therefore, how to establish an offshore RMB market, and which one Development Path that China should choose is a top priority.

    Firstly, this article summarizes the offshore development path: There are two types of formation of offshore financial markets. One type is natural formation and another is government-driven.Secondly, by drawing on the historical experience of other countries and combinening it with China's actual conditions, this paper presents the development of offshore RMB market-driven path for the government. Finally, based on the Government to promote the realization of the path RMB offshore market specific analysis, mainly in two ways: one is American IBF model, which does not designate a regional approach, and the other way is to delineate areas. This paper argues that, from a practical point of view, China should choose the way defined areas.

     Key word : RMB,offshore market,International currency,path choice

    目   次

    1 引言 1

    1.1 问题的提出 1

    1.2国内外研究成果 1

    1.2.1国外研究成果 1

    1.2.2国内研究成果 2

    1.3 研究思路及内容 2

    2 离岸金融市场的基础理论 4

    2.1离岸金融市场的概念 4

    2.2国际离岸金融市场的分类 4

    2.3 离岸金融市场的发展路径 5

    2.3.1 自然形成型离岸金融市场 5

    2.3.2 政策推动型离岸金融市场 5

    3人民币离岸市场建立的必要性和发展路径的选择 7

    3.1 人民币离岸市场建立的必要性

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