


    Spatial structure of the urban agglomeration in Yangtze River Delta and Optimization Countermeasures

    Abstract 、Yangtze River Delta city group has played a crucial role in China's regional development process. It is the highest degree of urban agglomeration urbanized area the analysis of the spatial structure of the region, is beneficial to arrange the industrial structure and layout of the town, has important theoretical value of the upgrading of China's economic quality and efficiency and practical significance. Based on the Yangtze River Delta provinces and one city in 29 urban population spatial structure, industrial structure transport structure analysis, the current situation of urban spatial structure, summarize its presence in the development process, and discusses methods to solve these problems, and to the Yangtze River Delta in China under the new normal economic background, to achieve new breakthroughs in regional development, to enhance its competitiveness in the international market and make recommendations.

    Keywords :Yangtze river delta; City group; Spatial structure 

    0引言 1

    1城市群空间结构优化概述 1

    1.1城市群的概念 1

    1.2城市群空间结构的概念 2

    1.3城市群空间结构优化的概念 2

    2长三角城市群空间结构分析 3

    2.1长三角城市群空间结构发展演化 3

    2.2长三角城市群空间结构现状 4

    3长三角城市群空间结构发展存在的问题 13

    3.1产业经济方面 13

    3.2人口社会方面 13

    3.3生态环境方面 13

    3.4区域协调方面 14

    3.5行政边界壁垒 14

    4长三角城市群空间结构优化对策 14

    4.1加强区域间管理与合作 14

    4.2保障和改善民生 14

    4.3加快发展副中心城市 15

    4.4合理确定城市职能 15

    4.5完善公共交通网络化布局 16

    4.6加强跨区域生态资源共保共治 16

    结  论 17

    致  谢 18

    参考文献 19



    城市群的存在是区域城市化与城市区域化的重要表现。探究和寻求城市群是对以往研究流域的发展,这有利于我们更好的驾驭城市的发展。经济全球化与区域经济一体化对加强城市群的发展提出了新要求, 当今城市群已成为全新的国家参与国际竞争新的增长极。加快城市群空间结构转变,提升其自身实力,有助于提升国家综合实力,实现国家经济持续健康发展。

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