


    Research on the Optimization of the Spatial Structure of the Yangtze River Delta City Group in the High-speed Rail Background

     Abstract Taking the 29 cities in the Yangtze River Delta city group as a sample, from the network density,centrality and condensing subgroup, analysis the characteristic evolution of the spatial structure in the Yangtze River Delta city group in the high-speed rail background. The results of the social network analysis: The network density in the Yangtze River Delta city group is increasing quickly; the out degree and in degree in each city are on the rise, the external radiation of center cities enhance; network centralization has a slow downward trend, city group exist asymmetric and unbalanced phenomenon; The close centrality of city increased year by year in the city group, the contact among cities become more closely; The betweenness centrality showed a downward trend year by year in the city group,network structure gradually tend to the equilibrium; The Yangtze River Delta city group is pided into 4 sub-groups, the association strength between subgroups is greater than the density of the whole network. Since the completion of high-speed railway, the spatial structure of the Yangtze River Delta city group has been optimized.

    Keywords:the high-speed rail background; the Yangtze River Delta city group; spatial structure; social network analysis

    0引言 1

    1城市群空间结构 2

    1.1城市群空间结构及其要素 2

    1.2城市群空间结构演变过程 3

    2高铁背景下的模型构建 4

    2.1社会网络分析模型 4

    2.2经济联系引力模型 4

    2.3城市群空间联系强度 5

    3高铁开通前后的社会网络分析 6

    3.1 网络密度分析 6

    3.2中心性分析 8

    3.3凝聚子群分析 12

    3.4总结分析 13

    4长三角城市群空间结构优化建议 14

    4.1优化资源配置 14

    4.2打造一区两点 14

    4.3完善边缘城市对外交通设施 15

    结论 16

    致谢 17

    参考文献 18


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