

    毕业论文关键词:中国  印度  反倾销  对策  新趋势

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  On the new trend of India’s anti-dumping towards China and china’s coping strategies                                                  


    Since joining the WTO, China's export products frequently suffer from anti-dumping allegations of the world. Especially in recent years, developing countries have become the main force of the anti-dumping on China; India is the largest number of developing countries on China's anti-dumping. The growth speed of Sino-Indian bilateral trade volume is more than 30% in recent years. But as China and India's economic structure and products are similar and competitive, it generates trade friction easily between the two countries. This affects the normal development of Sino-Indian trade and the stability and development of China's economic. In response to this situation, this paper analyzes from the anti-dumping status quo, with case and data, and analyzes the new trend. From government, industry associations, enterprises-three different perspectives deal with countermeasures. This paper also conducts a study on the status of the global anti-dumping and describes India's anti-dumping mechanism in detail. Thus all are good for preserving China's economic interests, eliminating unnecessary misunderstanding and developing China's economy.

    Keywords: China  India  anti-dumping  countermeasure  new trend

    目   次

    1. 引言1

    2. 倾销与反倾销概述1

    2.1 倾销概述···1

    2.2 反倾销概述·1

    3. 印度对华反倾销的现状分析2

    3.1 印度对华反倾销的现状概述···2

    3.2 印度对华反倾销的新特点·3

    4. 印度对华反倾销的原因分析5

    4.1 国际金融危机引发贸易保护主义抬头···5

    4.2 中印两国产业结构相似,两国贸易具有相似性与竞争性···5

    4.3 印度国内有意制造“中国威胁论“·7

    4.4 中国企业自身原因···7

    5. 我国应对印度反倾销的建议8

    5.1 政府方面···8

    5.2 行业协会方面···10

    5.3 企业方面···12




    1 引言


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