

    毕业论文关键词  商业银行  可持续发展  灰色关联分析法

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  The measure and compare of sustainable development capacity for commercial banks: based on analysis of gray system method              


    This paper measures and compares the capacity of sustainable development of five state-owned commercial banks based on the gray correlation analysis method. According to the results, profitability, capacity of development, risk control and asset are the most important factors that make the differences in the level of sustainable development of five state-owned commercial banks. The capacity for sustainable development of state-owned commercial banks is stronger than that of national joint-stock commercial banks and the listed city commercial banks. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the large state-owned commercial banks in the aspect of sustainable development, their advantages in asset size, profitability and capital adequacy ratio promote the capacity of sustainable development, but they also lack competitions in the aspects of high concentration of ownership structure, low corporate governance efficiency, imperfect capital replenishment mechanism, and low innovation capacity constraints. State-owned commercial banks need to take appropriate measures to solve these problems and promote long-term sustainable development.

    Keywords  sustainable development   state-owned commercial bank     Grey relational analysis

    1  绪论…1


    3  对我国商业银行可持续发展能力的测度…3

    3.1  五大国有商业银行可持续发展能力测度3

    3.2  部分其他类商业银行可持续发展能力测度…6

    4  国有商业银行可持续发展能力比较分析7

    4.1  横向比较分析…8

    4.2  趋势分析:以中国银行为例…9

    4.3  国有商业银行与其他类商业银行可持续发展能力的比较 10 

    5  国有商业银行可持续发展的优势及制约因素分析… 10 

    5.1  国有商业银行可持续发展的优势条件 10

    5.2  国有商业银行可持续发展的制约因素 12

    6  提高国有商业银行可持续发展能力的对策建议… 13  

    结论 14 

    致谢 …15

    参考文献… 16

    1  绪论


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