

    毕业论文关键词  开放式基金拆分  基金资产流入量  基金业绩评价   实证分析 

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title     the empirical analysis of Open-end fund splitting influence on fund performance                                                                        


    Both at home and abroad market, open-end fund split fund has become a very common marketing tool of company managers. When the net value of fund share become higher, the open-end fund company will use the fund share splits method to reduces the net value of fund, take advantage of investor’s money illusion and availability bias to attract investors' attention. Scholars are mainly engaged in the research of stock split. There have a lot of blank in the research of fund splitting.  so the effect of open fund split has great research significance. In this paper, we choose the splitting open funds between January 2008 and April 2013 in our country as the research object, by using statistics, empirical analysis methods such as regression analysis model, we summarize the overall performance characteristics of pre-split and post-split and fund split point selection problem, and further research flow of pre-split and post-split funds, the fund size and fund performance.

    Keywords  open-end funds split    fund net asset flow  fund performance evaluations   empirical analysis  


    1  绪论··1

    1.1  选题背景1

    1.2  国内外研究综述·2

    1.2.1  基金分拆动机相关研究·2

    1.2.2  基金分拆效应相关研究·3

    1.3  研究方法和结构·4

    2  样本与数据的选取·4

    2.1  拆分基金样本的选取··4

    2.2  控制样本组的选取5

    2.3  拆分因子及拆分前基金价格的描述性统计··5

    2.4  拆分前基金规模的描述性统计··7

    3  拆分与市场走势的相关性分析7

    4  基金拆分对基金资金流入量的影响分·9

    5  基金拆分对基金业绩的影响··11

    5.1  基金业绩的描述性统计11

    5.2  基金拆分后影响资金流入量的因素分析·13





     1  绪论

    1.1  选题背景

    目前,我国开放式基金在规模和数量上已远远超过封闭式基金,成为基金市场的主流品种和证券市场上最重要、最有发展潜力的机构投资者,对促进证券市场投资者结构的改善起着重要的作用。开放式基金投资者的行为会直接影响到基金规模的增减,当基金业绩不佳时,大额赎回会对证券市场带来很大的压力冲击。 因此对开放式基金的业绩进行研究具有非常重要的现实意义。

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