



    Abstract: Development of China's reform and opening up in the tide, follow the international trend, learn from foreign economic foundation and developed. Born in the mid-1980s, after 1992 he gained rapid development. For 30 years, urban development zones to attract not only become the first choice and combination of modern productivity carrier, and become the most progressive technology, increasing the size of the fastest, the best output efficiency, reform of institutional mechanisms of the most advanced, the most active elements of market allocation of resources carrier.

    This paper analyzes the development status since Huai’yin Huai’an city economic development zone was established to identify the major problems existing in the development. For example, enterprises can not grow confused, in the waste land resources dilemma, the quantity and quality of investment is not ideal problem.Put forward countermeasures and safeguards accelerated development. In this paper, the government decision will have some reference to further improve the development of Huai’yin economic development zone, it has a certain reference value.

    Keywords: Huaiyin economic development zone, Present situation, problem, Countermeasures

    1  引言 3

    2  淮安市淮阴经济开发区发展现状 3

    3  淮阴经济开发区发展中存在问题 4

    3.1  小规模企业占比较大 4

    3.2  土地集约利用水平低 4

    3.3  科技创新能力不强 5

    3.4  招商引资质量不高、力度不够 5

    3.5  现行管理体制和运行机制不健全 5

    4  加快淮阴经济开发区发展对策研究 6

    4.1  做精做良小微型企业 6

    4.2  合理规划增强土地集约利用水平 7

    4.3  增强开发区科技创新能力 7

    4.4  加强和完善招商引资工作 8

    4.5  建立办事高效的管理机制 8

    结 论 10

    参考文献 11

    致 谢 12

    1  引言


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