
    SRCB introduced financial convenience store strategy research
    Abstract: Now, the bank industry competition is becoming increasingly fierce, each big bank in order to keep the customer try to meet customer demand. And Shanghai Rural Commercial business bank took the lead in put out financial convenience stores which are differentiated competition under "you are off duty, I am on duty ".It is a good financial choice for some office workers .This is the bank's financial innovation lift, it also has a good response in the market. In 2012, the Shanghai area personal deposit market share at the beginning of the sixth to rise to the fifth, second only to ICBC、ABC、BOC、CBC, accounting for more than 6.83%. This change is part of the financial contribution from the convenience store. This topic mainly to Shanghai Rural Commercial bank introduced financial convenience store strategy research is discussed. The paper can be divided  into  three parts,  the  development trend of financial convenience store, the existing problems and puts forward relevant Suggestions. So, commercial Banks to improve the core   competitiveness of financial product innovation is the best tool. I also observed the move of Shanghai Rural Commercial bank, so further research into this paper, and I think, financial innovation is the commercial bank inevitable trend of the development of the future.
    Key Words: financial convenience store; financial innovation; core competitiveness;
    diversified competition
    目 录
    引言    1
    一、上海农商银行推出金融便利店的背景及原因    3
    (一) 上海农商银行推出金融便利店的动因    3
    1、 根本动因:追逐利润    3
    2、 规避金融管制    3
    3、 转嫁高科技及风险的应用    3
    4、 金融自由化    4
    (二) 上海农商银行推出金融便利店的必要性    4
    1、 满足客户的需求    4
    2、 延时金融服务的缺乏    5
    (三) 上海农商银行推出金融便利店的可行性    5
    1、 弹性错时服务    5
    2、 布局错位服务    6
    3、 差异化经营    6
    二、上海农商银行金融便利店的市场分析    7
    (一) 市场环境分析    7
    1、 政策环境分析    7
    2、 人文环境分析    7
    (二) 市场需求分析    8
    (三) SWOT分析    11
    1、 优势    11
    2、 劣势    11
    3、 机会    11
    4、 威胁    11
    三、上海农商银行推出金融便利店的策略    13
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