

    毕业论文关键词  离岸金融市场  人民币国际化  市场建设

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  The construction of the offshore financial center in the

    process of the RMB internationalization             

    Abstract Countries of the world have witnessed the rapid rise of Chinese economy since 1970s. From the angle of total GDP, China has become the world's second largest economy in 2009. Furthermore, Chinese economy would maintain its rapid growth in both quality and quantity in the foreseeable future. With the development of Chinese economy, China would definitely play a vital role in world economy. Therefore, as one of the important symbols of an economy's international influence, the internationalization of RMB has become increasingly urgent. In recent years, Chinese and foreign scholars made many research on the issue of RMB's internationalization. The internationalization of RMB has become a popular topic in today's academia. Also, many proposals have been made to promote the internationalization of RMB. This thesis analyzes from the difficulties faced by the internationalization of RMB, and then proposed the construction of offshore financial center to alleviate the pressure in the process of RMB internationalization. Finally, some substantial matters about the construction of our country's offshore financial center are analyzed and discussed.

    Keywords  Offshore financial center  RMB internationalization  Construction of market

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  选题目的与意义 1

    1.2  文献综述 2

    1.3  总结与展望 4

    2  人民币国际化的发展现状以及面临问题 4

    2.1  人民币国际化发展现状 4

    2.2  人民币国际化面临的问题 8

    3  我国发展离岸金融市场的必要性 10

    3.1  离岸金融市场的概述 10

    3.2  当前发展离岸金融市场的必要性 11

    4  我国离岸金融市场建设现状 12

    4.1  当前离岸金融市场发展最新进展 12

    4.2  我国离岸金融市场发展路径规划 14

    5  当前离岸金融市场建设存在的问题 16

    5.1  人民币存款规模有待提升 16

    5.2  人民币债券市场尚需完善 17

    5.3  人民币离岸产品尚不丰富 17

    6  我国离岸金融市场面临问题的政策建议 18

    6.1  拓宽人民币跨境流通渠道 18

    6.2  发展人民币资本市场 18

    6.3  合理发挥商业银行的纽带作用 19

    结论  20

    致谢  21

    参考文献  22

    1 绪论

    1.1 选题的目的与意义


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