

    毕业论文关键词  融资渠道 宏观调控 股权结构

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Macroeconomic regulation and control of real estate enterprises under different financing channels to change - based on the equity structure of the analysis 


    It is generally believed that different enterprises of different ownership structure due to funding constraints, under the same conditions, have different financing channels choices. In this paper, according to the ownership structure of China is pided by the total proportion controlled class, select holding a high proportion of state-owned enterprises on behalf of the state holding listed real estate enterprise, the selection of state-owned holding proportion is very low even basic no state-owned listed real estate companies on behalf of the non-state owned real estate listed companies, investigation from 2003 to 2012, nearly a decade of macro policy tightening, the two enterprises financing channels, and carries on the comparison to the analysis, found that under the same macro policy: first, the state holding enterprise compared with non-state holding companies, the financing channels of the change is less affected by the macro policies, especially in the case of bank loan; Second, the non-state-owned holding companies equity financing is the main source of funds, and the proportion of smaller changes under the influence of macroeconomic regulation and control. 

    Keywords  Macro financing channels  Macroeconomic regulation   control structure 

     目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景和目的 1

    1.2  研究内容和研究方法 1

    1.3  主要创新点 1

    文献综述 2

    3  宏观调控与房地产企业融资渠道变迁的理论分析 5

    3.1  近十多年来有关房地产的宏观政策趋势分析 5

    3.2  宏观调控下不同企业融资约束与变迁分析 6

    4  实证分析 9

    4.1  样本选取 9

    4.2  国有控股房地产上市企业的融资渠道变迁 9

    4.3  非国有控股房地产上市企业的融资渠道变迁 13

    4.4  不同类型的上市房地产企业融资分配的比较 17

    结  论 19

    致  谢 20

    参考文献 21

    附录: 22



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