

    毕业论文关键词:人民币国际化 跨境贸易 中国进出口 对策

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title     The Analyses of RMB Internationalization’s Impacts     on China’s Imports and Exports                  

    Abstract With China's rapid economic development and the trade scale improved constantly, China's position in the international arena has been gradually improved. The power economic strength must be accompanied by a strong currency. Especially after the financial crisis in 2008, the voice of RMB internationalization is getting higher and higher, and the RMB has been widely accepted for the settlement and currency of payment in many countries. In this case, RMB internationalization is an inevitable trend. RMB internationalization is closely linked to the development of China's import and export. Based on the overview and the development status of the RMB internationalization, as well as the status of the imports and exports, this article researches the RMB internationalization’s impacts on China’s imports and exports, and put forward to corresponding countermeasures. Keywords: The internationalization of RMB  Cross-border trade  China’s Import and export   Countermeasures

    1  引言 1

    2  人民币国际化的概述 2

    2.1  货币国际化的定义 2

    2.2  人民币国际化的定义 2

    2.3  货币国际化的相关理论 3

    2.4  人民币国际化的可选途径 3

    3  人民币国际化的发展现状 4

    3.1  跨境贸易人民币结算情况 4

    3.2  货币互换协议规模扩大 4

    3.3  人民币的流通现状 5

    4  我国进出口的现状以及存在的问题 6

    4.1  我国进出口的现状 6

    4.2  我国进出口存在的问题 7

    5  人民币国际化对我国进出口的影响 10

    5.1  有利的影响 10

    5.2  不利的影响 11

    6   对策与建议 13

    6.1  改变出口贸易结构 13

    6.2  加大政策扶持力度 13

    6.3  开拓新的外需增长点 13

    6.4  实现产业结构的提升 14

    6.5  提高出口产品的附加值 14

    6.6  扶持大型跨国企业集团“走出去”

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