


    Abstract:This study draws the conclusion from the concept of the third industry and the real estate price.It expounds the influence of the development of the third industry and real estate price.This study uses the related data in recent years to demonstrate the relationship between the third industries,employment and real estate price.Then,through the relationship between the two sides and employment,this study tries to analyse the relationship between the third industry and real estate price.At the same time,the study uses related theory to prove the relationship between the third industry and the real estate price,then draws the conclusions.The conclusions are that the rapid development of the third industry driven by rising real estate price,slow development of the third industry to curb rising real estate price,real estate price driven by the healthy development of the third industry boom,the irrational real estate price rise or fall to hinder the development of the third industry.

    Keywords:The third industry;Real estate price;Employment;Relationship

    目   录

    1  前言 5

    2  中国第三产业现状及影响 5

    2.1  第三产业概念及意义 5

    2.2  第三产业发展概况 6

    3  中国房价现状及影响 7

    3.1  房价现状 7

    3.2  房价对各个领域的影响 10

    4  第三产业对房价的影响 11

    4.1  第三产业对就业市场的影响 11

    4.2  就业市场对房价的影响 14

    4.3  第三产业对房价的影响 15

    5  房价对第三产业的影响 15

    5.1  房价对就业市场的影响 15

    5.2  就业市场对第三产业的影响 16

    5.3  房价对第三产业的影响 17

    6  结论 17

    参 考 文 献 19

    致谢 20

    1  前言



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