


    Abstract:Promoting the development of industrial clusters is not only an important means of improving the competitiveness of the cultural industry, but also in line with the development trend of the cultural industry.The cultural industry of the tourism performance in Changzhou is in the process of developing the industrial clusters, although the main advantages of the development of the theme attraction, the technological innovation and the development of the related industry are the main advantages.But the financing channels for a single, talent cultivation and industrial development docking is not tight, industry homogenization phenomenon is serious, tourism performance and lack of cultural connotation, the exposed problems can not be ignored.This paper studies the present situation of the development of the cultural industry cluster of the tourism performance in Changzhou by using the methods of investigation, literature research and quantitative analysis.To explore the development of the drawbacks existing in the process, and puts forward countermeasures to promote Changzhou tourism performance and development of the cultural industry cluster: Changzhou tourism performance of cultural industry cluster, through the cultivation of sophisticated investors, strengthening the training of personnel and management, innovation, surprisingly winning and increase the intensity of cultural research, optimizing the industrial structure way to achieve.

    Keyword:tourist performance, cultural industry, industrial cluster, drawbacks, countermeasure


    1  引言 5

    2  常州旅游表演文化产业集群分析 6

    2.1  常州旅游表演文化产业集群发展的概况 6

    2.2  常州市旅游表演文化产业集群发展的优势 8

    2.2.1  主题吸引 8

    2.2.2  科技创新 8

    2.2.3  注重开发关联产业 9

    2.2  常州旅游表演文化产业集群发展过程中存在的问题 9

    2.2.1  融资渠道单一 9

    2.2.2  人才培养和产业发展对接不紧 9

    2.2.3  产业同质化现象严重 10

    2.2.4  旅游表演缺乏文化内涵 10

    3  旅游表演文化产业集群发展的应对之策 10

    3.1  培养成熟的投资者 11

    3.2  强化对人才和管理层的培养

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