
    摘 要:整体建设小康社会以及推动现代化进程中最首要问题的就是农业增产农民增收,而农产品期货市场对于解决农业增产农民增收问题又具有重大意义。本文以黑龙江望奎县为例,在目前农产品期货市场中,对“公司+农户、期货+订单”模式和“农民组建的合作组织+期货市场”模式进行分析后,发现两种模式在试点过程中存在诸多问题,如期货市场主体发育不充分、地区性粮食买卖困难、现货与期货市场之间联系较为疏松、地方政府的政策支持也较少等等。为此,本文借鉴现有农产品期货市场的成熟经验,联系黑龙江现状,建立“农户+农业部门+基金+期货公司+银行”的农村期货合作基金模式。来解决农业增产农民增收问题,并指出该模式的可行之处和需要注意的问题。66103


    Abstract:The primary problem of building a well-off society and in the process of modernization is to promote agricultural production and farmers' income,and the agricultural product futures market can solve the problems of China's agricultural production and farmers' income. This paper takes Heilongjiang County of Wangkui as an example, in agricultural products future market, make analysis about "future companies + farmers + orders" mode and "farmers formed a cooperative organization + futures market" mode, there are many problems in the pilot process, the goods on schedule between market players are not fully developed, the difficulty of buying, stock and futures markets connect with relatively loose, local government policy support need to be improved. So this paper get experience from the existing agricultural futures market, contact the quo of Heilongjiang, building a "rural futures cooperation fund" mode¸ that's "agricultural sector + fund + farmers + bank + futures Company". To solve the problem of agricultural production and farmers income, and point out the feasible mode and need to pay attention to the problem.

    Key words: The agricultural product futures market, Agricultural production of farmers' income, Development model 

    目 录

    1  前言 3

    2  农产品期货市场发展现状 3

    2.1  农产品期货市场扩大 3

    2.2  农产品期货市场典型发展模式 4

    2.3  农产品期货市场与现货市场的联系 5

    3  农产品期货市场发展的不足之处 5

    3.1  农产品期货市场主体发育不充分 5

    3.2  农产品期货市场基础薄弱 5

    3.3  期货市场与现货市场联系不紧密 6

    3.4  当地支持力度有待提高 6

    4  进一步完善农产品期货市场的发展对策 6

    4.1  培植农产品期货市场主体 6

    4.2  建立“农村期货合作基金”模式 7

    4.3  完善品种结构 7

    4.4  加强对期货市场秩序的监管 8

    4.5  加强对期货公司的管理 8

    结论 10

    参考文献 11


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