


    The Study on the Current Situation and Development of China ’s Coal Import and Export Trade

    Abstract: Since ancient times, coal is an important energy, the country's industrial development are inseparable from it, the same for China. After the founding of the PRC, China's economy for decades in the development of coal in the development process has played an important "role." And because China's coal reserves are uneven north and south, the high cost of rail transport and the middle part of the railway transport process, resulting in China's coal transport to the coal cost is much higher than the international coal price. And China's coal imports from 85% from five countries, if these countries to China's coal constraints, then the consequences would be disastrous. This paper mainly analyzes the causes of China's coal import and export trade, and draws lessons from the successful experiences of Japan and India on China's coal import and export trade, and sums up the experiences of China's national conditions of the coal import and export trade related recommendations.

    Key Words: Coal;Import and export trade;Influencing factors 

    目  录


    (一) 研究目的和意义 1

    (二) 文献综述 1

    (三) 主要研究内容 3

    二、中国煤炭进出口贸易现状分析 4

    (一)中国煤炭的分布和储量 4

    (二)中国煤炭进出口贸易的现状 4

    三、中国煤炭进出口贸易的影响因素 7

    (一)国际因素 7

    (二)国内因素 8

    1、国家政策对煤炭进出口贸易的影响 8

    2、地理因素的影响 9

    3、煤炭相关产业及下游产业对煤炭进出口的影响 10

    四、他国发展煤炭进出口贸易的成功经验 12

    (一)他国发展煤炭进出口贸易的具体措施 12

    1、日本对煤炭进出口贸易所采取的措施 12

    2、印度对煤炭进出口贸易所采取的措施 13

    (二)他国发展煤炭进出口贸易的经验总结 13

    五、发展我国煤炭进出口贸易的建议 14

    (一)灵活执行国家煤炭进出口贸易的各项政策规定 14


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