


    毕业论文关键词:个人理财业务   理财产品   环境分析   服务理念  

    Our country commercial bank inpidual financing business development research

    Abstract: Along with the rapid development of our country's economy, improve people's quality of life of residents' disposable income increase gradually, the residents' awareness of investment and financial management concept gradually enhanced, the development of the commercial bank personal financing business have further requirements. Compared with the advanced western countries, our country commercial bank inpidual financing business development relatively late, at this stage of the financing business can't meet the demand of the market, the degree of specialization and standardization still to be further improved, our country commercial bank inpidual financing business development is full of opportunities and full of challenge, in this environment, efforts to promote the development of our country commercial bank inpidual financing business, is a difficult task for the future development of China's commercial Banks, is also one of the commercial Banks will face challenges. 

    Based on the study of foreign Banks, on the basis of the development of personal finance business advantages, using pest analysis to our country commercial bank inpidual financing business development environment were analyzed, and the exploration of our country commercial bank in the main problems existing in the development of personal finance business, and on how to further promote the development of our country commercial bank inpidual financing business better put forward the corresponding opinions. 

    Key Words:Personal financial management business     Wealth management products 

                Environmental analysis                   Service concept 


    一、绪论 - 2 -

    (一)选题的背景和意义 - 2 -

    (二)国内外研究现状 - 3 -

    (三)研究思路和创新点 - 4 -

    二、商业银行个人理财业务概述 - 4 -

    (一)商业银行个人理财业务的概念 - 4 -

    (二)商业银行个人理财业务的分类 - 5 -

     (三)商业银行个人理财业务的理论基础 - 6 -

    三、国内外商业银行发展个人理财业务的经验借鉴 - 9 -


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