    关键词 安全存储 u盘  文件读写   子模块
    Title       Android File System Firmware Based on U Disk
    With the rapid development of storage technology now , a lot of storage equipment is  popular with people  due to the features such as large capacity, fast storage and so on  but to u disk , it is portable, convenient which make  it  occupy a large part of the market share too , it is also the indispensable part of contemporary people, portable storage information is good to people,but a coin has two sides, people must consider its harm when using it, perhaps because of the unsafe storage or the lost of the storage devices ,people may lose a lot of personal information ,company secrets will be exposed and so on.
    Based on the above reasons, it is very important for the U disk encryption or safe storage. This article presents a program on file operating of the U disk . The main function of the program includes reading and writing files , directory ,monitoring directory. It can also find  the existence of special directory in search directory and then delete and the special string in the special file under particular path which is a sub module of the U disk encryption.
    Keywords   Safe storage  File Read and Write   U Disk   sub module
    目   次
    1    引言    1
    1.1    研究背景    1
    1.2    研究现状    1
    1.3    本文组织结构    2
    2    基础技术研究    3
    2.1    Dos操作系统简介    3
    2.2    C语言简介    3
    2.3    fat32文件系统详细分析    4
    2.4    本章小结    9
    3    需求分析与设计方案    10
    3.1    需求分析    10
    3.2    功能流程图    10
    3.3    程序详细说明    16
    3.4    本章小结    21
    4    程序测试及其开发工具    21
    4.1    开发工具    21
    4.2    程序测试    21
    4.3    本章小结    28
    5    结论    29
    5.1    总结    29
    5.2    展望    29
    6   致谢    29
    参 考 文 献    30
    1    引言
    1.1    研究背景
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