    关键字  Web服务;测试;自动化;代数规约;HTTP
    Title  The Design and Realization of Web services-oriented framework for test execution automation technology                   
    In recent years, the rapid development of Web services on the issue of credibility of Web services has been more attention, testing is a powerful way to solve the problem of the credibility of Web services. Considering the high cost of testing the characteristics of Web services, it is necessary to study the test automation technology Web services.
    The research topics of Web services based on algebraic specification test give a Web service-oriented automated test execution framework. In this framework, the first algebraic specification language to formally describe the Web service, and then parse the analysis described in the statute for the service, and then generate test cases, test execution and test results are analyzed, the final output of the test report. This paper focuses parse the returned XML information, and to analyze the test results.
    Keyword Web services; tests; automation; algebraic specification; HTTP
    目 次
    1绪论    1
    1.1选题的背景及意义    1
    1.2国内外现状    2
    1.3本课题所面临的难点和解决办法    4
    1.4论文组织结构    4
    2涉及的原理与关键技术    4
    2.1形式化方法    5
    2.2代数规约及代数规约语言SOFIA    6
    2.3 HTTP请求技术    7
    3面向Web服务测试执行自动化框架设计说明    8
    3.1面向Web服务测试执行自动化框架总体介绍    8
    3.2 XML分析部分的设计    13
    3.3测试结果分析部分的设计    17
    4面向Web服务测试执行自动化框架运行测试介绍    21
    4.1框架运行测试数据介绍    21
    4.2框架运行测试具体情况描述    24
    4.3框架运行测试总结    31
    结论与展望    33
    致谢    34
    参考文献    35
    1 绪论
    1.1    选题的背景及意义
    1.1.1    选题的背景
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