    毕业论文关键词:    虚拟漫游;3dsMax;Unity3d;室内装潢;
    Virtual displaying and interactive roaming of large-sized apartment indoor scenes system
    Abstract: Today, multimedia technology has been widely used in the social life in all its aspects. In the real estate industry, commercial giants, more and more dealers browse virtual rooms using virtual display technology. The advantages of this technology is that it can make customers save more time and intuitively feel real design effects. So the dealers can more quickly make changes and adjustments according to customer needs. This paper introduces the basic concepts of virtual roaming and its latest trends. In this topic, I choose two software, 3dsMax and Unity3d, to complete the implementation of the system. 3dsMax is used to model, and design lighting and shading effects. The Unity development engine is used to achieve roaming interaction. And briefly describe the process of modeling, lighting and material handling baking, the final realization of the process of interaction. Describes the use of virtual roaming techniques to achieve small apartment interior decorating effects techniques and methods, highlighting the mapping of virtual reality hardcover in baking methods and points.
    Keywords:    Virtual roam; 3dsMax; Unity3d; Interior decorating
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究的背景和意义    1
    1.2 课题研究目的和内容    1
    1.3 课题的制作流程    2
    1.4 3DSMAX软件的介绍    3
    1.4.1 3dsMax的简介    3
    1.4.2 3dsMax的光源介绍    3
    1.5 UNITY3D软件介绍    5
    2 室内设计的介绍    7
    2.1 室内设计的概念、原则和要素    7
    2.1.1 室内设计的概念    7
    2.1.2 室内设计的原则    7
    2.1.3 室内设计的要素    8
    2.2 室内格局设计    9
    2.3 室内照明设计    9
    3 室内环境的制作    10
    3.1 模型制作    10
    3.1.1 创建房间外墙模型    10
    3.1.2 创建窗体模型    11
    3.1.3 创建电视墙模型    12
    3.1.4 创建沙发模型    13
    3.1.5 创建隔段模型    15
    3.1.6 创建杯子模型    16
    3.1.7 其他模型    17
    3.2 贴图赋予    17
    3.2.1 无缝贴图的制作    17
    3.2.2 UV展开    17
    3.2.3 Mental ray材质    18
    3.2.4 模型的材质赋予    20
    3.3 MENTAL RAY烘焙    20
    3.3.1 烘焙设置    20
    3.3.2 灯光的布置与测试    21
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