    毕业论文关键字:QR CODE;云计算;算法计算;危险模型
    Analysis and design of mobile two-dimensional code system security issues
    Abstract: Research began in the two-dimensional code 20 actual 1980s, mainly used in advertising, the field of security traceability, business card recognition, information dissemination. This problem levels in recent years, two-dimensional code on fraud, graft Trojan virus, leaks and other aspects of personal information is not poor. This paper aims to help manufacturers and major two-dimensional code website to make third-party payments for some inspiration dimensional code image security.
     This article summarized the relevant literature did comb, the conclusion is now the main problem lies in the two-dimensional code safety supervision irregular two-dimensional code, resulting in a lot of fake two-dimensional code flow in the market, consumers do not recognize the ability to cause information to be copied and cheated attack. Assumptions database computing certification analog design as a background cloud platform via the cloud to resolve and to obtain data through questionnaires, with the risk model analysis methods and research platform for analysis of validation.
    Key Words: QR CODE; cloud computing ; algorithm; Hazards model
     前言    1
    一、绪论    1
    (一)论文的研究背景    1
    (二)研究现状和意义    1
    1、研究现状    1
    2、研究意义    4
    (四)研究范围界定    4
    1、第三方支付平台    5
    2、二文码公司    5
    (五)主要存在的安全问题    5
    本章小结    6
    二、二文码的相关技术及相关理论    7
    (一)QR Code的相关概念    7
    1、QR Code基本介绍    7
    2、QR Code结构图    7
    3、QR Code特性    8
    1、认证机制    8
    2、认证流程    8
    3、在线认证服务器    9
    (三)二文码认证相关案例    10
    本章小结    10
    三、基于云计算的手机二文码安全性分析    11
    (一)云计算的相关概念    11
    1、云计算的定义    11
    2、云计算的体系架构与服务形式    11
    (二)基于云计算的二文码安全性提升方案分析    12
    1、方案一、二介绍    12
    2、两大方案比较    13
    (三)搭建云计算平台    13
    1、云计算平台三大模块介绍    13
    2、云计算数据传输与储存安全模型分析    15
    3、基于混合算法加密的二文码技术    17
    3.1、非对称加密技术    17
    3.2、混合运算加密二文码过程    18
    4、云计算安全系统流程设计    19
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