    毕业论文关键词:选课;ASP.Net技术;SQL server
    The design for student course management system based on WEB
    Abstract:     With the increase in the number of college students , the amount of data increases educational system synchronization . The current course enrollment Quiz way , although this approach directly , but of course cause blindness , while increasing the onerous nature of Academic Affairs for processing data . To enable each student to better choose their favorite subjects and reduce the work of Academic Affairs , students develop a WEB-based course management system is a necessary thing. For this part of the student enrollment , the system independent course from students and teachers in the online publication of two aspects of curriculum design . In this paper, WEB development as a starting point , combined with advanced technology and ideas WEB currently employed , profoundly expounded using ASP.NET + SQL database technology to achieve superior student course management system , focusing on the student elective system to achieve the function , business processes, system processes , database design, function modules design, development implementation, operation and maintenance , such as a series of processes , and finally to the problems encountered in the design to focus on the analysis and explains solutions, while running after system implementation qualitative analysis of the results and conclusions .
    Keywords:     course; ASP.Net technology; SQL server
    摘要    ii
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iv
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题背景    2
    1.2    系统开发环境    2
    1.2.1    ASP.NET概述    2
    1.2.2    动态网站技术介绍    3
    1.2.3    数据库技术    4
    1.2.4    ADO.NET链接数据库    4
    1.3    系统设计的思想    5
    1.4    全文概述    6
    2    需求分析    7
    2.1    可行性分析    7
    2.1.1    技术可行性    7
    2.1.2    经济可行性    7
    2.1.3    操作可行性    8
    2.2    系统用例    8
    2.3    系统流程和逻辑    10
    2.4    计算机软硬件配置和开发平台    11
    2.5    小结    11
    3    系统详细设计    12
    3.1    概述    12
    3.2    系统结构    12
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