    摘要:随着科技的发展,智能化的考勤系统在企事业单位被广泛使用,尤其是基于人体生物特征识别的考勤系统更是研究的热点。严格规范的员工考勤管理是现代企事业单位提高管理效益的重要保证, 而传统的以打卡、刷卡为代表的考勤产品,存在着替打卡,  效率低下,不易统计,管理和使用文护成本高等弊端。 指纹识别产品在考勤中的大规模应用,部分解决了代打卡的问题,但是超过5%左右的人群天生指纹很浅,无法用指纹识别。指纹考勤产品在天气干燥或者换季的时候,识别困难,由于必须接触,就给细菌的传播提供了一个便利的载体。人脸识别是对人的脸部特征信息进行身份认证的生物特征识别技术。近年来,随着欧美发达国家人脸识别技术开始进入实用阶段后,人脸识别迅速成为近年来全球的一个市场热点,它具有如下优点:1)非接触,智能交互,用户接受程度高2)直观性突出,符合人“以貌识人”的认知规律。3)适应性强,不易仿冒,安全性好4)摄像头的大量普及,易于推广使用。本系统利用Java前端实现摄像头的开启以及脸部的识别功能,利用Java网页版jsp实现考勤系统的后台建设,再利用sql server 2008存储数据,前端与后端的链接利用数据库的存储实现,而辅助工具为opencv图像识别工具,opencv最先利用于vs之中,本次设计将opencv用于java中,利用opencv图像处理工具识别人脸,最后将识别出的人脸匹配时间写入数据库,从而实现了人脸识别考勤系统的整体功能。本系统可以代替指纹识别或者是企业传统的打卡方式实现企业员工的考勤,更加方便快捷,利于管理。23745
     OPENCV face matching based attendance system
    Abstract:With the development of technology, intelligent and attendance system is widely used in enterprises, particularly those based on attendance biometric identification system is a hot research . Strictly regulate employee attendance management of modern enterprises is an important guarantee for improving management efficiency , and traditional to punch , swipe attendance as the representative of the product , there is an alternative punch , inefficient and difficult to statistics, management and use of the drawbacks of higher maintenance costs .Attendance fingerprint identification products in large scale applications , some pinch card solves the problem , but more than about 5 % of the population born very shallow fingerprint is not recognized fingerprint . Fingerprint attendance products in dry weather or season , when the identification difficult , due to the need to touch , give the spread of bacteria provides a convenient carrier.Face recognition is a person's facial features information for authentication of biometric identification technology . In recent years , with the face recognition technology developed European countries began to enter the practical stage, face recognition in recent years, the world is rapidly becoming a hot market, it has the following advantages: 1 ) non-contact, smart interactive , high user acceptance 2 ) visually prominent, consistent with human " in appearance to know people " the cognitive rules . Strong 3 ) adaptability, easy to counterfeit , security is good 4 ) large number of popular camera , easy to promote the use of .The system uses the Java front-end to achieve the camera turned on and face recognition function , the use of Java Web version jsp achieve the background building attendance system , re-use storage implementation sql server 2008 for storing data , the use of front-end and back-end database links , and aids to opencv image recognition tools , opencv in vs among the first to take advantage of , this design will be used opencv java , using opencv image processing tools to recognize human faces , and finally to identify the face to match the time written to the database , enabling overall function of face recognition time attendance system.The fingerprint identification system can replace traditional punch or a way to achieve enterprise business staff attendance , more convenient, beneficial management.
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