    毕业论文关键词:Flash、网站、视觉、Action Script、学习资源
    "Learning Resources” Website Planning and Design
    Abstract:     With Flash technology application and development of increasingly sophisticated, Flash-based Web site creation, launched a series of places around Flash web design and web site received more and more people realize the favorite. So I graduated from the design to the Flash website creation software as the main theme for the website to select art resources theme, illustrated the way to introduce art artists, works of art related art tutorials and related information and so on. In planning the site, the first collection of material, research and creative websites, Flash works and other ways to find inspiration, ideas, establish websites shades of gray blue, pided in four sections introduced after the start of the static and dynamic interface and animation design, Photoshop adjustment picture tint, etc., rendering the site renderings, the need to export images in Flash, the main production navigation menus, buttons, and movie clips with buttons in different ways to produce dynamic effects, using AS2.0 language code on the control button to jump change, links between web pages, web animation navigation menu and so on.
    Keywords:    Flash、Website、Vision、Action Script、 Learning Resources
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    FLASH的起源    1
    1.2    FLASH发展趋势    1
    1.3    FLASH国内外研究现状和水平    4
    1.3.1    Flash课题的国内研究状况    4
    1.3.2    Flash课题的国外研究状况    4
    2    分析    6
    2.1    开发工具的选用和介绍    6
    2.1.1    Flash的软件和使用介绍    6
    2.1.2    Photoshop的软件和使用介绍    7
    2.1.3    CorelDraw的软件和使用介绍    7
    2.2    网站规划设计课题的重点    8
    2.3    网站规划设计课题的难点    8
    3    设计    10
    3.1    主要设计理念    10
    3.1.1    设计构思    10
    3.1.2    功能介绍    10
    3.2    课题主要设计内容    11
    3.3    主要设计步骤    14
    3.3.1    网站页面设计    14
    3.3.2    分页面设计    16
    4    结论    23
    4.1    学习资源型网站的效果    24
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