


    Design and production of the 3e children english level test bench based on the Flash

    Abstract: With the rapid development of times, the application of multimedia technology in the classroom is also increasingly widespread, and the technology is becoming more and more ripe. The software and hardware made by multimedia technology has be a good role in teachers' daily teaching. Among them, the teaching softwares under Flash platform are more and more common, because they are easy to operate, the interface is simple and clear, and the interaction is good. This paper is about the design and production of the 3e children english level test bench based on the Flash, and mainly describe the production and exposition of the interface design, function design and code design these three parts. And the basic functions of the 3e children english is also be studied. The function of this whole bench is pided into two modules, the teaching bench and the test bench for the speaking, listening, reading and writing of 3e children english .

    Keywords: Flash ; 3e children english ; test bench ; 


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1绪论 1

    1.1 研究目的及意义 1

    1.2 研究现状及发展趋势 1

    1.3 本文的主要内容与安排 3

    2需求分析与总体设计 5

    2.1 作品内容设计 5

    2.1.1 3e少儿英语简介 5

    2.1.2 模式板块设计 6

    2.2 制作过程中的重点与难点分析 7

    2.2.1 制作过程中的重点 7

    2.2.2 制作过程中的难点 7

    2.3 需求分析 7

    2.3.1 制作过程中所用到的方法和软件 8

    2.3.2 平台需求设计 9

    2.4 总体设计 9

    3具体实现 12

    3.1 素材的准备 12

    3.1.1 素材搜集 12

    3.1.2 素材处理 13

    3.2 动画制作流程 15

    3.2.1 开始界面设计 15

    3.2.2 模块界面设计 17

    3.3 最终测试 24

    3.3.1 测试及修改 24

    4总结与展望 26

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