    摘要: 随着计算机及其应用软件的发展,教育信息化管理已经越来越得到重视。实现教育信息化的管理,能够提高教学质量、减轻学校和教学管理部门的压力。
    本课题是在windows的操作系统下,采用了visual studio 2010编程和SQL Server 2008数据库技术。此系统包含了试题管理、试卷管理、课程管理、用户管理和帮助五大功能。
    关键词: 试题库,试卷管理,设计与实现
    design and implementation of general question bank management system about《computer networks》
       With the development of computer and its application software, the management of information technology in education has been more and more attentional. The management of information technology in education will be able to improve the quality of teaching and reduce the pressure of the school and the administration of teaching. In school, especial in the college, there always be a lot of courses and missions of teachers. So if we use the traditional way of the volume, teachers will in advance spend a lot of time and effort in order to form a satisfactory test paper. Also different professions, different classes, different teachers and other factors will affect the validity, accuracy and fairness of the test. As a result, it will bring some trouble to schools, teachers and students.
         According to the basic flow of the test, this article aims to against the drawbacks of the test management to make test electronic,paperless, reducing the interference of human factors and the burden of teachers, students, and managers。
         This system is based on the windows platform, has used visual studio 2010 programming and SQL Server 2008 data bank technology. This system contains the test question management, the examination paper management, the curriculum manages, the user manages and helps these five big functions.
         Using the system, teachers can research and manage the question bank efficiently. Manager can also be good on the management of system users. The papers can be automatically generated by the system, allowing teachers to be able to print papers.
    Keywords:question bank, examination paper management, design and implementation


    摘要    ii
    Abstract    iii
    目录    iv
    1    绪论    0
    1.1通用试题库管理系统开发的背景    0
    1.2通用试题库管理系统开发的目的和意义    0
    1.3国内外研究现状    1
    1.3.1国外试题库研究现状    1
    1.3.2国内试题库研究现状    1
    1.3.3试题库管理系统的发展趋势    2
    1.4本文框架介绍    2
    2    需求分析    3
    2.1建立题库的原则    3
    2.2题库系统的性能需求    3
    2.3题库系统的功能需求    3
    3    系统总体设计    5
  1. 上一篇:C#高职计算机导论考试系统设计与实现
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