    关键词  H.264  视频编码  错误隐藏  帧间
    Title   Research on error concealment techniques       of video coding                              
    In recent years, with the rapid development of computer network technology and video transmission technology, digital video technology in the field of communications and broadcasting won the widespread application, for most of the video applications, in the transmission process of error is inevitable. The error of video information can seriously affect the output quality of video. Therefore, the error generated during the transmission is very important for the development of digital video technology.
    This paper mainly studies the error concealment algorithm of the decoder. Firstly, the standard of H.264 video compression is introduced, then the error resilience technology of H.264 is introduced, and the error concealment algorithm of H.264 is introduced in detail.
    For the shortcomings of the existing error concealment technology, an improved inter frame error concealment algorithm is proposed. On the one hand, in order to improve the condition of the adjacent macro blocks in the damaged macro block, a staggered two time hiding method is proposed. Makes block matching more precise. On the other hand, the estimation error can be effectively reduced by using simple bidirectional forecast in the motion estimation step.
    Finally, the simulation experiment of the improved algorithm is carried out with the JM platform, and the experiment results are compared with the H.264 algorithm in the subjective and objective quality of the two aspects.
    Keywords  H.264  Video coding  Error concealment  Inter frame
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  选题背景及研究意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  论文研究内容与安排    2
    2  H.264视频编码标准概述    4
    2.1  H.264标准综述    4
    2.2  H.264关键技术    4
    2.3  本章小结    7
    3  H.264错误隐藏技术研究    8
    3.1  H.264的抗误码技术    8
    3.2  H.264错误隐藏技术详述    11
    3.3  本章小结    14
    4  H.264帧间错误隐藏算法改进    15
    4.1  改进算法思路    15
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