

    毕业论文关键词: 初中生信息素养  教学策略  新疆信息技术课程




    Research on the Teaching strategies of Cultivating Junior High School Students Information Literacy   based on Information Technology Curriculum



    In recent years, the "Internet +" put forward, more that the information age high requirement for members of the society of information literacy. the study for information technology improves the information crucial period, so the study of junior middle school students' information literacy is very important. In this paper, through literature analysis, questionnaire to students' information literacy research status of junior high school; the school of Xinjiang Yili to Gongliu County for one school for the Han, so the design has also taken a bilingual design, makes the results more objective and accurate. Through the results of the survey found the problems and advantages of Han people there; and to put forward the new teaching methods, effective after practice of new teaching methods, in order to better cultivate students' information literacy.  


    Key Words:InformationLiteracy  InstructionalStrategies   Xinjiang Information Technology Course

                       目  录

    摘   要 I


    目  录 III

    1研究背景和意义 1

    1.1选题背景 1

    1.2研究的意义 2

    1.3研究的历史与现状 3

    1.4研究思路与设计 4

    2 信息素养的概念 6

    2.1信息素养概念与分析 6

    3 初中生应具备的信息素养 8

    3.1初中生应具备的信息素养 8

    4 信息素养培养现状调查分析 9

    4.1调查目的 9

    4.2调查方法 9

    4.3调查结果分析 18

    4.4调查结论及其对教学的启示 24

    5 教学行动研究 25


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