    Title  Virtual Desktop Web video redirection software design and implementation                                        
    Following the Internet technology, virtualization technology becomes yet another significant impact on the information technology industry. Currently virtualization technology is mainly pided into three categories, namely, server virtualization, desktop virtualization and application virtualization technology. Server virtualization technology is mainly used in cloud computing solutions, while desktop virtualization technology as a new technology trends, has been more and more industry attention. Desktop virtualization technology because it has to provide users anytime, anywhere, and through any device capable of accessing remote virtual desktop environment features, to the security and flexibility of a desktop use. Application virtualization and desktop virtualization technology combining technology is a considerable advantage, one is able to provide users with a very convenient office environment, the second is to reduce the cost of enterprise information management, and improve enterprise data Security. The industry's desktop virtualization solution has many types, are more representative of the company's VMware View, Citrix's XenDesktop and Microsoft VDI. At present, for the average user's basic needs, these solutions can be met in large part, but in the Web video playback, some of these solutions are more or less prevalent problem, the more obvious the effect of user experience poor, such as video playback Caton, 3D rendering and poor. Therefore, the design specifically for Web video playback virtualization solutions to enhance the user experience effect, become an urgent problem to be solved.
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