
    摘要云虚拟环境下资源分配策略根据用户的需求及监控系统的各项指标对云计算 系统资源进行动态规划、调整与调度,是影响云计算系统性能的核心要素之一。 为了解决资源分配的优化问题,已有的科研工作已经进行了大量的探索,并取得 了较好的研究成果,然而大多数已有的研究成果都是针对固定容量的云虚拟数据 中心。本文针对该研究缺陷,结合容量规划与定价机制建立了根据用户需求动态 确定容量的资源分配策略,并通过仿真实验验证了所提策略的有效性。68518

    毕业论文关键词 云计算 资源分配 动态容量规划 定价

    Title Research of Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing Environments


    Cloud virtual environment resource allocation policy based on the needs of users of the indicators and monitoring system for dynamic cloud computing system resources planning and scheduling adjustments, the impact of cloud computing is one of the core elements of the system performance. In order to solve optimization problems of resource allocation, there's a lot of research work has been carried out to explore and gain a better research results, however, most existing research results are for a fixed capacity of cloud virtual data center. In this paper, the study of defects, the binding capacity planning and pricing mechanisms established to determine the capacity of dynamic resource allocation strategies based on user needs, and the simulation results show the effectiveness of   the

    proposed strategy.

    Cloud Computing, Resource Allocation, Dynamic Capacity Planning, Pricing


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 论文研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 论文研究内容及创新点 3

    1.3 论文的章节安排 3

    2 云虚拟环境下资源分配研究综述 5

    2.1 启发式智能算法 5

    2.2 基于经济理论的策略 5

    2.3 其他资源分配策略 6

    3 云计算资源分配模型建立 7

    3.1 云计算市场模型 7

    3.2 SaaS 服务提供商利润模型 7

    3.3 IaaS 服务提供商利润及能源消耗模型 8

    4 SaaS 服务提供商最优决策研究 9

    5 IaaS 服务提供商联合定价和容量规划决策研究 11

    6 仿真实验与结果分析 13

    6.1 比较策略

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