

    毕业论文关键词:电子报纸  开发模式  对策

    毕 业 论 文 英 文 摘 要

    Title  Research on the status quo and model of Electronic newspapers' development and utilization under the network environment     


    With the rapid development of Internet technology, the speed of information transfer has a geometric multiples growth. And traditional newspapers with slow information update have already can't satisfy the needs of contemporary society because of which transmission speed can't keep up with electronic information transmission speed. With the development of electronic technology, more and more digital media appear, electronic newspaper is one of them. The development of the electronic newspaper has entered the mature stage abroad with different kinds of electronic paper products emerge in endlessly. But electronic paper technology is still in its infancy domestic. So the study of electronic newspaper has a far-reaching significance. This article has in-depth discussion with the theory analysis and practical research method based on the definition of electronic newspapers, characteristics, development status at home and abroad, development mode and the development prospect s and put forward some feasibility countermeasures due to problems existing in the development of electronic newspaper. By analyzing the present situation and development mode of electronic newspaper development home and abroad, this article summarize four types of model in the development and utilization of the electronic newspaper: online electronic newspapers, interactive electronic newspapers, electronic newspapers in multimedia form, and electronic newspapers in independent mobile form. By analyzing problems existing in the development of electronic newspapers, this article put forward the feasibility of countermeasures for the future development of electronic newspapers, making electronic newspapers a good development. 

    Keywords   electronic newspapers  development mode  strategy


    1绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2电子报纸的定义 2

    1.3电子报纸的特点 2

    2 电子报纸的类型 3

    2.1网络版电子报纸 3

    2.2 交互式电子报纸 4

    2.3 多媒体形式电子报纸 5

    2.4独立移动电子报纸 6

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