




    2)建立基于UML的描述的系统需求分析图。 主要采用用例图对社团网站的角色与用例展开分析,有助于网站需求分析及功能开发。    



    毕业论文关键词  社团网站  JSP  组件 UML


    Title   A community website development technology research based on the JSP 


    The site is an academic community sector social organizations to carry out academic exchanges and learn an important platform for transaction management.Taking into account community website with interactive,complex business management,operational processes normative strong,dynamic information updating and high output,very need for an effective and convenient auxiliary management platform.

    Often requires the auxiliary management platform based on a dynamic interactive, scalable software environment on top. Considering JSP technology and related technologies good integration, scalability, and good cross-platform characteristics, and JSP as the current mainstream dynamic web development technologies. This paper analyzes the economic feasibility finished, technical feasibility and management to achieve viability, select the JSP + Tomcat + JavaBean + MySQL development model, established the research topic "a society community Web site develop technology based on JSP" 

    Demand for community sites,the paper works as follows:

    1)learn to build a general functional framework,covering the Society membership management,online communication and contribution management and other major functional modules.

    2)Established based on UML diagram describes the system requirements analysis.Mainly use case diagram site of societies to analysis and functional.

    3)JavaBean technology package to the Ministry website database of business processing logic,website and database to provide a convenient service.

    4)JSP technology to build a community-based Institute website system. Mainly in the Institute’s website as an example of a society,according to the software development,with the final realization of a user-friendly,interactive sound and powerful website system.

    Keywords: Associations website  JSP UML Package

    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 2

      1.2.1  JSP技术研究现状

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