

    本文通过c# .NET软件和SQL Server数据库作为开发工具,采用C/S架构方式设计并开发了面向智能分界开关设备的软件管理系统。首先进行了系统的设计需求分析,在此基础上,完成了数据库的设计、软件界面的设计、功能实现,具体的界面包括设备信息、销售信息、客户信息、库存信息、故障信息等,并进行了功能调试。


    毕业论文关键词  设备管理  c#  SQL Server  C/S


    Title    Design of Equipment Management System Based on C#.NET                     



    The demarcation switch, an electrical protective device which embedded software and hardware technology and communication technology, as well as other advanced technology, is now widely applied into the distribution network and the overhead line. This paper focus on introducing a Management System based on intelligent demarcation switch, considering of the practical need of the enterprise.

    This article mainly discusses a management system based on demarcation switch, which make the full use of C/S. The management system discussed in this paper uses c#.NET and SQL Server to design an operation system. First of all, the article analyses the main functions of the system. Secondly, successfully completing the design of the database and the software. Finally, realizing the functions of the system step by step, including the information of the equipment, sales information, customer information, inventory information, bug information, etc.

    Through the test cases for system testing, the results prove that the Equipment Management System can meet up with the general application requirements and has good reliability.

    Keywords  Equipment Management  c# SQL Server  C/S

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1. 1  研究目的和意义 1

    1. 2  相关技术现状 2

    1. 3  本文主要工作 6

    2  系统需求分析 6

    2. 1  设计目标 6

    2. 2  功能需求 6

    2. 3  工作流程 8

    2. 4  开发及运行环境 9

    3  数据库设计 9

    3. 1  数据库概念设计 9

    3. 2  数据库逻辑结构设计 11

    3. 3  数据库访问 13

    4  界面设计与功能实现 13

    4. 1  系统登录界面 13

    4. 2  主界面 15

    4. 3  设备信息界面 15

    4. 4  设备信息查询界面

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