
    摘要微生物在自然界在无处不在。正因如此,随着基因序列分析技术的完善,通 过对微生物进行基因测序,有助于人类分析复杂环境中的微生物群落的遗传进化 关系,对整体群落进行系统了解,并用于迅速了解未知微生物与已有物种的进化 遗传关系。本课题采用生物信息学研究中非常实用的系统进化树理论,运用改进 的 NJ 算法构建微生物进化模型,尽可能的降低了算法复杂度。并在云环境下,运 用图数据库中构建出微生物群落无根进化树,更直观地观察和分析物种间进化特 征,分析遗传距离,了解生物信息。68468

    毕业论文关键词 微生物 基因序列分析 进化树 Neighbor-joining 算法 图数据库 云环境

    Title The topological analysis of microbial community in the

    cloud platform of biological information


    There are ubiquitous Microorganisms in nature.The technology of microbial gene sequence analysis has developed rapidly in recent years . It helps us to analyze the phylogenetic relationships of microbial communities in the complex environments,and it will give us a more Systematic understanding of the overall community to learn about the genetic relationship between unknown microbes and Existing species quickly. This paper makes a fast algorithm which has been reduced the complexity as much as possible to build the neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree model which is very useful in the bioinformatic research,and shows the unrooted phylogenetic tree of microbial communities with the help of a graph database neo4j which help us to visually observe and analyze the evolution of inter-species characteristics and genetic distance to understand the biological information of them.

    Keywords: microorganism analysis of microbial gene sequences

    目 录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景 1

    1.2 研究意义 1

    1.3 采用的关键技术 2

    1.4 本文结构 2

    2 相关技术的研究及发展现状 3

    2.1 微生物所在人体肠道细菌耐药基因研究 3

    2.2 人类肠道微生物宏基因组拓扑变化对肥胖、肠炎(IBD)的影响 5

    2.3 物种系统树的构建 6

    2.4 大数据时代下的生物遗传研究 7

    2.5 图数据库技术 neo4j 8

    3 构建微生物基因系统树的模型 11

    3.1 系统流程图 12

    3.2 遗传模型和序列距离 12

    4 邻接算法及其优化的具体实现

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