
    The Development of Android Mobile Phone Online Shop E-commerce System
    Abstract: With the advent of the information age of the 21st century, the perfection of internet technology and consumer perception Update, people start pursuing online shopping can be achieved through the Internet. With this demand, e-commerce came into being, the birth and the popularity of e-commerce system based on B / S structure, commodities become more simple, effective, and less costly. Compared with physical stores, online mall is not subject to the constraints of time, inexpensive and abundant source, service quality and other characteristics. This paper describes the development purposes, processes, and the main function modules of the Android phone online shop e-commerce systems. This system is based on B / S structure, using the ASP development language and ACCESS database development. System is divided into two parts, foreground and background; Foreground has the member register, the display of the goods, commodity search, and shopping order function module; Background includes member management, order management, commodity information release and modification of functional modules, etc. The final design of the interface is a simple, practical and easy to operate e-commerce system.
    Keywords: B / S structure; E-commerce system; ASP; Database
    一、引言    1
    (一) 课题研究的目的与意义    1
    (二) 课题研究的背景    1
    1. B2C电子商务迅猛发展    1
    2. 网络购物已经普及    2
    3. 数码3C类商品关注度高    3
    二、课题研究的现状分析和发展趋势    4
    (一) 课题研究的发展现状    4
    (二) 课题研究的发展趋势    5
    三、系统开发技术介绍    6
    (一) 系统开发语言介绍    6
    1. ASP语言介绍    6
    2. VB Script和JAVA Script介绍    6
    (二) 系统开发工具介绍    7
    1. ACCESS数据库    7
    2. Dreamweaver    7
    3. Microsoft IIS 服务器    7
    4. ADO数据库访问技术    7
    四、系统需求分析和系统规划    8
    (一) 需求分析    8
    1. 系统需求分析概述    8
    2. 功能需求    8
    (二) 系统规划    9
    1. 系统模型    9
    2. 系统流程设计    9
    五、系统总体设计    11
    (一) 系统功能模块设计    11
    1. 系统设计思想    11
    2. 系统前台模块设计    11
    3. 系统后台模块设计    12
    (二) 数据库的分析与设计    12
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