    关键词  复杂网络  病毒传播  SIR模型  病毒防范
    Title    Research on virus spreading in computer network                   
    Due to the increasing popularity of the Internet, people are increasingly dependent on the Internet, the destructive power of computer viruses is also growing. Computer viruses are more complex in design, have exponential growth in quantity and spread more rapidly, therefore, computer network virus has become the current hot research topic. This paper focuses on the characteristics and behavior of the virus spreading in a computer network, and the relationship between the network topology and the process of the spread of the virus.
    This paper has analyzed the spread of the virus in the ER random network, BA scale-free network and real network simulating the SIR model, and compared the advantages and disadvantages of different network topologies and the different influence on the spread of the virus. This paper also has studied the impact of different factors impact on the spread of the virus to give effective virus prevention strategy.
    Keywords  complex network  virus spreading  SIR model  network immunity
    目   次
    1  引言(或绪论)  1
    1.1  研究的意义和目的  1
    1.2  研究概况  1
    1.3  本文的研究内容与论文安排  2
    2  复杂网络概述  3
    2.1  复杂网络基本概  3
    2.2  复杂网络特征度量  3
    2.3  复杂网络模型概述  4
    2.4  本章小结  8
    3  病毒传播模型概述  9
    3.1  引言  9
    3.2  SI模型  9
    3.3  SIS模型  10
    3.4  SIR模型  11
    3.5  本章小结  12
    4  网络模型仿真与结果分析 13
    4.1  ER随机网络建模  13
    4.2  BA无标度网建模  14
    4.3  真实网络  16
    4.4  仿真结果分析  16
    4.5  本章小结  20
    5  SIR病毒传播模型仿真与结果分析  21
    5.1  ER随机网络中模拟SIR病毒传播  21
    5.2  BA无标度网络中模拟SIR病毒传播  23
    5.3  真实网络中模拟SIR病毒传播  25
    5.4  仿真结果分析  26
    5.5  本章小结  31
    6  计算机网络病毒传播防范策略  32
    6.1  病毒防范研究概况  32
    6.2  病毒防范策略建议  33
    6.3  本章小结  33
    结论  34
    致谢  35
    参考文献  36
    1  引言
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