    关键字:android 图像处理 eclipse  java
    毕业论文设计说明书外文摘要Title    移动平台图像处理技术研究                    
    With the development of the smart mobile system, the image processing technology of mobile platform becomes the hotspot of research.. In the current mobile platform for image processing, mainly concentrated in imaging and some special treatment, with the improvement of the speed of mobile computing power, in the near future mobile platform will also become a universal platform for image processing. Therefore, intelligent mobile platform for image processing technology research has become the current image processing is an important area of research.
    This paper mainly through the research of mobile platform image processing technology, in the computer platform to build an Android platform for the design environment, and then the software design. Trying to in popular mobile system to establish effective image processing framework, and to achieve some of the basic algorithm of image processing, gave the experimental results and conclusion, complete procedures and Research Report
    Keyword:Android  Image processing   eclipse   java
    1  引言    2
    1.1  图像处理技术    2
    1.2  安卓系统介绍    2
    1.3  小结    6
    2  开发工具的介绍    7
    2.1  Eclipse    7
    2.2  jdk    7
    2.3  ADT:Android Development Tools    8
    2.4  sdk:Software Development Kit    8
    2.5  NDK    8
    2.6  opencv    9
    2.7  小结    10
    3  开环境的搭建    11
    3.1  工具准备:    11
    3.2  安装配置    11
    3.3  创建一个AVD    15
    3.4  运行新建的安卓项目    17
    3.5  小结:    18
    4  编程与实验结果    19
    4.1  开发准备与编写代码    19
    4.2  运行AVD MANAGER    23
    4.3  打包程序    24
    4.4  程序的运行与功能的介绍    25
    4.5  本章小结    29
    总结    31
    致  谢    32
    1  引言
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