    摘要:    真空感应炉,在真空的状态下通过电磁感应加热使金属熔化称为真空感应熔炼。金属被装入感应炉闷在真空的状态下,电源启动,炉料熔化。真空感应炉熔炼能够实现精炼,杂质通过熔炼过程的化学反应被移除、分解、浮选和挥发。当金属被熔化到理想的纯净状态时,一般通过预热的漏斗浇注到模型内。真空感应炉熔炼一般用于生产超级合金、不锈钢、复合磁铁合金和其他重要的高级合金。真空感应炉结构复杂,操作流程难度较高,现场实地学习培训难度和成本均比较高昂,所以选择软件模拟的方式,节约成本,避免实地学习的种种弊端。本课题的重点在于利用Unity实现配料系统的简单交互操作,通过手动控制真空感应炉操作步骤,之后通过动画演示加料到注模全过程。主要包括以下几个方面:首先,需要完成向料斗中添加矿石原材料的动画演示过程。其次是控制台面板的数据显示功能。再次需要完成阀门的开闭合时间控制。通过在控制台自定义操作,来模拟整个实际操作。27716
    毕业论文关键词:    Unity3D仿真;动画演示
    Design of vacuum induction furnace production process of the 3D demo system
    Abstract:     Vacuum induction furnace, melt the metal called vacuum induction melting through electromagnetic induction heating in vacuum condition. The metal is loaded in the induction furnace stuffy in thevacuum state, the power supply to start charging melting. Vacuum induction smelting furnace can realize refining, impurities are removed, decomposition, flotation and volatile through the chemical reaction of smelting process. When the metal is melted to the ideal of the pure state, generally through the funnel casting preheating to model. Vacuum induction furnace smelting generally used in the production of super alloy, stainless steel, composite magnet alloyand other important advanced alloys. Vacuum induction furnace system is very complex, operation difficulty is higher, on-site training and learning difficulty and costs are relatively high. So the choice of software simulation method, cost saving, avoiding the drawbacks of field study. The focus of this paper is to realize the batching system simple interaction with Unity, by the manual control vacuum induction furnace operation steps, followed by animation feeding into the injection molding the whole process. Mainly include the following aspects: first, the need to complete the add animation process ore raw material into the hopper. The second is the console panel data display function. Once again the need to complete the open closed time control valve. By operating at the console custom, to simulate the whole actual operation.
    Keywords:    Unity3D simulate; Animation demonstration
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题综述    1
    1.1.1    本设计的目的及意义    1
    1.1.2    系统设计要求与实现功能    2
    1.1.3    实现思路及方法    3
    2    系统分析    5
    2.1    真空感应炉系统工作特点    5
    2.2    操作系统及其发展现状    6
    2.3    UNITY3D及3DMAX的特点及使用    6
    2.4    系统需要实现的功能    8
    3    设计    10
    3.1    3DMAX模型的建立    10
    3.2    场景导入UNITY3D制作过程    15
    3.3    场景控制代码    15
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