    关键词  客户关系管理  客户信息管理  客户满意度  销量预测
    Title  Analysis and design of heating boiler manufacturer  customer relationship  management  system
    With the rapid development of Internet and information technology, the enterprise customer information management system for the degree of attention is also getting higher and higher. Now, good customer relations has become an important resource for the survival and development of enterprises. This thesis is under this kind of background, for heating boiler manufacturing enterprises, a concrete object, based on  the basic theory of customer information management, explains the how to implement customer relationship management system in the enterprise.
    Firstly  ,this thesis introduces some basic concepts of customer relationship management system and its development status at home and abroad. Then do the requirement analysis of the system, and introduces the overall design of the system. After that, in accordance with the overall structure of the system, respectively from the customer management, marketing management and some other aspects, especially from the customer information management, customer classification, customer satisfaction, sales forecast and so on, working about analysis  and design. analysis and  design. customer   relationship  management  system  of  heating boiler manufacturer 
     Keywords  CRM  Customer information management   Customer satisfaction   Sales forecast
    目   次
    1  绪论    4
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义    4
    1.2  国内外发展现状    5
    1.3 本章小结    5
    2  迪森公司客户管理系统需求分析    7
    2.1  取暖锅炉制造行业简介    7
    2.2  迪森公司介绍    8
    2.3  需求分析    8
    2.4  本章小结    9
    3  客户信息与客户分类    10
    3.1  客户信息采集流程    10
    3.2  客户管理    10
    3.3  客户分类    11
    3.4  本章小结    12
    4  客户满意度    13
    4.1 客户满意度指标及权重    13
    4.2  客户满意度计算方法    15
    4.3  问卷的设计发放与结果汇总    15
    4.4  满意度指数的计算    17
    4.5  本章小结    18
    5  销量模型预测    19
    5.1  常用的预测模型    19
    5.2  实例分析    20
    5.3  本章小结    22
    6  迪森公司客户管理系统设计    24
    6.1  迪森公司客户管理系统流程设计    24
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