    For a car, the braking performance is critical, the design of the braking system, the stand or fall of matching degree can considerably affect the safety of a car, but also judge the critical parameters of a car is good or bad.The vehicles running on the curve surface, especially in the wet and low adhesion road, centrifugal force is easy to greater than the wheels can withstand the maximum lateral force, causing the vehicle sideslip and malignant traffic accidents [18].Therefore, to ensure that the car braking performance is good, improve vehicle braking performance, for car design and manufacturing department is a very important task, is also responsible for use of customer.
    In fact,we always rely on system vendor to brake system matching the phenomenon of the calculation, so we put forward a set of braking force distribution based on vb software.From the braking system of the various parameters including the braking force distribution coefficient, load and no-load cases, the axis of the normal reaction force, brake disc braking force, ideal and practical brake braking force, braking distance, braking handle force, vacuum booster, brake master cylinder matching analysis and braking force.Let a person more simple and more scientifically choosing appropriate brake, brake force matching work.
    Keywords:  Car,Brake system, Matching
     目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 背景及意义    1
    1.2 制动系统的组成和分类    1
    1.3 制动系统的发展    2
    1.4 本论文的主要工作    3
    2 制动系统的设计内容以及评价指标    4
    2.1 制动系统的功能    4
    2.2 前后制动力理想分配曲线(I 曲线)    5
    2.3 实际前后制动力分配曲线(β曲线)    7
    2.4 制动强度,利用附着系数与同步附着系数    10
    2.5制动主缸的工作行程计算    13
    2.6制动助力器    14
    2.7 制动踏板行程和踏板力    16
    2.8 利用附着系数和附着效率    17
    2.9 制动距离    18
    2.10驻车系统    19
    2.11  驻车手柄力    21
    2.12 本章小结    22
    3.利用Visual Basic制动系统匹配设计的编程应用    23
    3.1 设计思路    23
    3.2 案例分析    23
    4 结论    28
    5 致谢    29
    1 绪论
    1.1 背景及意义
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