    关键词  直方图均衡  峰值剪切  局部细节  图像增强
    Title    Research of Image Enhancement Technology                   
    Due to the limitation of equipment, luminance condition and other objective factors in the acquisition, transfer and conversion process of image, the images we get usually have poor visual qualities. The image enhancement methods based on histogram equalization often fail to keep local information and sometimes have the fatal flaw of over-enhancement. To overcome these shortcomings, an image enhancement method based on the fusion of local detail enhancement and histogram equalization is proposed. To control the enhancement rate, small ridges of the histogram are boosted and histogram clipping is performed. Then the clipped histogram is equalized to obtain the enhanced image. For the local detail, adaptive enhancement and noise-reduced functions are applied to the detail of the image. Experimental results reveal that the algorithm proposed has better robustness compared to other histogram-equalization-based enhancement algorithms and can enhance the contrast of the image effectively.
    Keywords  histogram equalization, histogram clipping, local detail, image enhancement      
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  本文主要研究工作和安排    4
    2  图像增强技术和彩色模型    5
    2.1  图像增强技术    5
    2.2  彩色模型    7
    2.3  本章小结    9
    3  融合局部细节与直方图均衡的图像增强算法    11
    3.1  直方图平滑    12
    3.2  直方图小峰增强    12
    3.3  直方图峰值剪切    13
    3.4  直方图均衡    14
    3.5  亮度图像细节提取    16
    3.6  细节增强和去噪    17
    3.7  图像融合与颜色恢复    20
    3.8  本章小结    20
    4  实验结果与对比分析    21
    4.1  视觉质量分析    21
    4.2  量化分析    25
    4.3  增强效果适应性验证    27
    4.4  本章小结    29
    结论    30
    致谢    31
    参考文献    33
    1    绪论
    1.1    课题研究背景及意义
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